Sunday, May 26, 2013

How Environment and Behavior Affect a Person's Sleep

Strees is the number one cause of short-term sleeping difficulties, according to sleep experts. Common triggers include school or job related pressures, a family or marriage problem and a serious illness or death in the family. Usually the sleep problem disappears when the stressful situation passes. However, if short-term sleep problems such as insomnia aren't managed properly from the beginning, they can persist long after the original stress has passed.

Drinking alcohol or beverages containing caffeine in the afternoon or evening, exercising close to bedtime, following an irregular morning and nighttime schedule, and working or doing other mentally intense activities right before of after getting into bed can disrupt sleep.

If you are among the 20 percent of employees in the United States who are shift workers, sleep may be particularly ilusive. Shift work force you to try to sleep when activities around you and your own biological rhythms - signal you to be awake. One study shows that shift workers are two to five time more likely than employees with regular, daytime hours to fall a sleep on the job. 

Traveling also disrupts sleep, especially jet lag and traveling across several time zones. This can upset your biological or circadian rhythms. 

Environmental factors such as a room that's too hot or cold, too noisy or too brightly lit can be a barrier to sound sleep. And interruptions from children or other family members can also disrupt sleep. Other influences to pay attention to are the comfort and size of your bed and the habbits of your sleep, or has other sleep difficulties, it often becomes your problem too.

Having a 24/7 lifestyle can also interupt regular sleep patterms: theglobal economi that includes round the clock industries working to beat the competition; widespread use of nonstop automated system to communicate and an increase in shift work makes for sleeping at regular times difficult.   

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