Thursday, April 4, 2013

Optimalize Left Brain

To increase left brain ability or analysis brain can do with something below:

1. Focus to detail
Start to overoll listening, do something with the rule and follow the rule that already set. Start to learn carefully and practice every formula well.

2. Think critically and logically
Ability to think critically and logically must continuously refined, because from it people existence with other creature can be distinguishing.

3. Read quality books
To make left brain more sharp, start to buy book or read book which useful and have quality. Don't confine ourselves with a book wich won't we read. Examples about philosophy, medicine, and others. 

4. Follow quality discussion and debate
Discussion and debate in here there are not debate which questioned something worthwhile. But, discuse about something useful with arguments that can be justified. 
Start to prepare ourself with much read, watch news, read newspaper, and everything wich open our firmament. So when debate, we can give quality argument.

5. Solving a puzzle and a problem
Try to solve the puzzle, ask, or game. After finish solve the puzzle or problem you will feel left brain has to work optimally. 

6. Learn a new language
When learn a new language, brain try to classify  and match some new language with language which already master. This piont spur brain to continuously activate knots, so connection both one and others faster. The impack, people who easily to mastering new language, tends easy in remember other things.

7. Pause after each reading
Like a computer which we use to write, finish writing we need to save into saving directory. Likewise after we finish reading . For what has we read not lost, allocate time for about ten minutes to remember all that already we read, then write something wich we get from a book in a paper.

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