Monday, April 1, 2013


Devision and function of the brain
By Dr. Paul Maclean, brain have three layers, they are:
1. Stem/reptilian brain
Sensory motor function, which from senses and  survival.
2. Limbic system/mammalian brain
Feelings, emotions, boiritmik, memory also immune system.
3. Neocortex/brain thinking
Intelectual thinking, reasoning, language, and intelligence

Breaks for the brain
  • The brain need enough break time to optimal operation.
  • Time of sleep depends of age. Baby or children sleep 14 hours a day, adult sleep 7,5 hours, and seniors sleep 6 hours.
  • When sleep, will occur REM (Rapid Eye Movement). In this time all of information that  be learned a day will be set in the brain and memory. 
Optimal focus range
The brain cannot be forced  to focus long time. To simply, we can use set age. This age we deem minutes with a maximum 30 minutes. Example, children age in 5 have optimal facus range 5 minutes. For children in senior high school, their optimal focus rain are 17 minutes.

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