Monday, April 29, 2013

About Debate: Method

Method is the structure and organisation of the speech. It can be contrasted with the presentation style of the speech (manner) and the content of the speech (matter).

Method includes the fulfiment of speaker roles, the management of speaking times, the allocation of arguments between speakers and the cohetion of the team. It includes the capasity od speakers to adapt their structure to respond to the dynamic issues of the debate.

The elements of method are:
  • responsiveness
The structure of one speech will b affected by previous speeches and will affect subsequent speeches. Debaters must organise their  speech to support their team and respond to their opposition. This interaction makes for a good debate, whether it's a parliamentary, school or pub debate.

The adjudicator must assess whether preakers have responded dynamically to the strategic issues which have emerged during the debate. For example, adjudicator must assess the extend to which the speaker's rebuttal was prioritised to address the strategic requirements of the debate.
  • structure
The second element of method is structure. Without wanting to force speakers into a rigid of stereotyped style of speech, it is true to say that there are certain structural element of a speech which will tend to enhance its effectiveness (and the absence of which will tend to reeduce its effectiveness). This is true of any speech, whether it be a debate speech, a toast or seminar paper.

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