Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An Expensive Holiday, Yeah that Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is an expensive holiday. Typically, people who are in love with each other exchange gifts. The gift often cost a lot of money, sometimes as such as $100. In some cases, if you don’t spend that much, your sweetheart might think you don’t care. Some less expensive gift that people often give are chocolateand flowers. One puond of good chocolate may cost $10 to $15, and when you add up all of the chocolate that is sold on Valentine’s Day, the total is probably well over $1 million. 

Flowers cost more than chocolateso sales of flowers may amount to $5 million! Also, it is often expected that you and your sweetheart will go out to dinner on that evening. A romantic dinner at a nice restaurant may cost $100 or more per person.



By John Donne

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and deadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor death, not yet canst thou kill me
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with paison, ware, and sickness dwel,
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well,
And better than thy strok; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we make eternally,
And death shall be no more, death thou shalt die.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Just 4 You

About Debate: Method

Method is the structure and organisation of the speech. It can be contrasted with the presentation style of the speech (manner) and the content of the speech (matter).

Method includes the fulfiment of speaker roles, the management of speaking times, the allocation of arguments between speakers and the cohetion of the team. It includes the capasity od speakers to adapt their structure to respond to the dynamic issues of the debate.

The elements of method are:
  • responsiveness
The structure of one speech will b affected by previous speeches and will affect subsequent speeches. Debaters must organise their  speech to support their team and respond to their opposition. This interaction makes for a good debate, whether it's a parliamentary, school or pub debate.

The adjudicator must assess whether preakers have responded dynamically to the strategic issues which have emerged during the debate. For example, adjudicator must assess the extend to which the speaker's rebuttal was prioritised to address the strategic requirements of the debate.
  • structure
The second element of method is structure. Without wanting to force speakers into a rigid of stereotyped style of speech, it is true to say that there are certain structural element of a speech which will tend to enhance its effectiveness (and the absence of which will tend to reeduce its effectiveness). This is true of any speech, whether it be a debate speech, a toast or seminar paper.

About Debate: Matter

Matter is the content of the speech. It can be contrasted with the presentation style of the seech (manner) and the structure of the speech (method).

Matter includes arguments, evidance presenteed to support those arguments, examples and analysis. Matter includes substantive matter, rebuttal and points of information. In deabtes in which points of information are used, both the content of the question and the content of the answer are considered matter.

The elements of matter are:
  • logic
An argument is logical if its conclusion follows from the premise. It does not necessarily mean that the premise must be capable of being proved absolutely. While that may be the goal of philosophers, it would certainly bring an early end to the debate. Instead, debaters tend to grapple with issues that are capable in absolute proof and their cases consist of the gradual accumulation of arguments tending towards one conclusion. 
  • relevance
An argument is relevance if it is likely to add weight to the overall preposition that the team is trying to prove. The preposition in turn must be relevance to the issues in contention in the debate. Relevance is especially important in debaters given the short period of time available to each speakers - there is no time for irrelevance. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Adjudication Process

Adjudivators must arrive at their decision after carefull consideration. This will include listening attentively to all speakers in the debate, taking notes and applying the rules of debating. 

Note taking is important because notes allow an adjudicator to resolve issues which emeerge leter in the debate, for instance, where there is a dipute over the devinition of certain terms. Adjudicators must be wary not to enter the debate while makin notes by filtering the comments made by speakers. For example, a speaker may provide an argument which has no clear link to the topic. The adjudicator may infer a link and record this inference in their notes, later crediting to speaker with having made the link.

Adjudicators should mark the scores of the speakers as the debate proceeds. Leaving the marking of scores to the end of the debate can be a perilous exercise in recalling the mater, method and manner of earlier speakers. It may result in the adjudicator overemphasising the impact of third speakers.

Adjudicating in Debating

Role of Adjudicating
The adjudicator adopts the role of an average reasonable person, who has the average reasonable person's knowledge of the topic but who, unlike the average reasonable person, has expert knowledge of the rule of debate.

Adjudiccators must eliminate any preconseived ideas as to the merits of the issue in debate, and any expert or special knowledge of the subject matter. The average reasonable person is assumed to be intellegent and capable of assessing flaws in argumnets, the adjudicator is invented with these qualities.

The assumption of this artificial role is one of the most difficult aspects of adjudication, and imposes a heavy burden on adjudicators. Nonetheless, it is central to the whole notion of adjudication. The alternative of permitting adjudicators to assess a debate from their on personal viewpoint and to make into account their own expert kowledge, prejudices and preconceptions, would strike at the heart of debating as an exercise in the skills of persuation.

Function of the adjudicator
The adjudicator has three functions:
1. to decide which team has won the debate
2. to provide an explanation of the reasons for the decision
3. to provide constructive feedback to the debaters.

It's All Good

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Letter of Complaint

As consumers of goods, sometime are dissatisfied with your purchases. The quality of the merchandisemay be inferior, a product may be damaged or devective, or a part may be missing.

The same holds true when you purchas services. A painter may use inferior grade of paint on a wall despire a promise to use a top quality name-brand, and elactrician amy improperly install an air conditioner in a well or window, or a tailor may ruin a skirt by cutting too much of the hem.

On such occasions it is customary to lodge a complaint. You can either telephone or your complain to the company, visit its office to resolve the problem personally, or write the company a letter of complaint in which you ask for some kind of compensation.

A letter of complain differs from a telephone complaint or an office visit. It must be precise, factual, and descriptive because the recipient has no opportunity to ask further questions. He or she must understand the nature of the problem in order to find an appropiate solution. Moreover, the letter of complaint must convince the reader that the problem waas caused by his or her firm and not by the costumer. Finally, the letter of complaint must persuade the reader to provide some compensation, either in the form of money, free repairs or sservices, or new merchandise. 

Argumentative Writing

As its name suggests, argumentative writing is writing that sets forth an argument. That is to say, it advances a writer's opinion or belief about an issue, and it attempts to persuade an audience that this opinion is correct. It does so by suporting the opinion with information given in the form of reasons and examples. The information is often arranged in terms of its importance as evidance. In either begins with the least important infotmation and buils up to the most important, or works the other way arround, from the most important to the least. Argumentative writing also makes frequnt use of the technique of comparison and contrast.

Argumentative writing has much in common with both narrative and descriptive writing. Like much narrative writing, if frequently grows out of the writer's personal experience, like descriptive writing, it often uses examlpes to develop that experience. Moreover, the movement in descriptive writing from general to spesific is one that appears in much argumentative writing. A typical argumentative paragraph is represented by the following model:
Topic sentence: expressed as an opinion
Development: presented in the form of three or four relevant reasons and examlpes. 

In summary, the following are the most common characteristics of argumentative writing:
1. It gives the writer's opinion about an issue.
2. It  attempts to persuade an audience by means of information in the form of reasons and examples.
3. The information is arranged in terms of its importance to the argument, either from least to most important, or from most to least.

Book by Michael pollan

Friday, April 26, 2013

Buy now

Analytical Writing

Analitical writing is that analyzes. You use analytical writing when you classify or break down a subject into its componet parts and describe those part in a logical, orderly manner. Analytical writing is slossely related to descriptive writing. Both forms aim to make the reader see what the writer sees. While descriptive writing is usually concerned with one subject, such as a room or a person, analytical writing is usually concerned with calssifying two or more subjects. The writer of analysis examines subjects according to their similatities and/or differences.

Analytical paragraph has the following structure:
Topic sentence: discussion of the similarities or differences between two or more subjects
Development: details that offer differences or similarities for the shared characteristics

Most analytical writing has the following characteristics:
1. It identifies the major features of two or more subjucts.
2. it classifies each subject in terms of those are similar or different in terms of the shared characteristic.

Descriptive Writing

descriptive writing is writing that describe a person, a place, an ideaa, an organization, or an activity. descriptive writing is closely related to narrative writing. The main different between the two is that in narrative writing you tell stories, while in descriptive writing you draw a picture in words for your reader to see. 

One very important similarity between narrative writing and descriptive writing focuses on the use of general and specefic details. In fact, the stucture of many narratives can be represented by the following model:
Specific: - What happened first
                - What happened next
                - What finally happened
 General: - What can be learned from it

Like narrative writing, descriptive writing often combines the general and the specific. However, in the descriptive writing, you begin with a general impression and develop it with specific details. The sentence that conveys this general impression in any paragraph is called the topic sentence. A descriptive paragraph can be represented by the following model:
Topic sentence: general impression of the whole
Development: specific details about the parts presented in relation to each other 

Finally, both narrative and descriptive writing depend very much on modification.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Just For You

Writing Assignment: Narrating a Conflict

the most interesting narratives often describe a conflicts between two opposing forces. the workplace, which is frequently an arena for conflict, can be an ideal setting for a narrative. Think of a job experience you had that involved a conflict of some short, it might have been a conflict between you and you employer. 

Consider the writing of this narrative as an activity that can be broken down into four separate parts. Each of these four parts will bw a single paragraph. The paragraphs should be arranged as follows:

1. The first paragraph should tell something about the job. What kind of work were you doing? Where as the work perfomed? What were your working conditions like?
2. The second paragraph should describe the conflict. What was it source? What is a conflict over two different attitudes toward work? Two different ways to doing the same job? Two different personalities.
3. The third paragraph should tell how the conflict was resolved. Was it resolved fairly or unfairly? By whom?
4. The fourth paragraph should give the moral of the story. What did you learn from the experience? Were you able to apply what you learned to other experiences in your life?

Narrative Writing

A narrative is a story. Thus, narrative writing is writing that tell a story. You are using narrativ when you tell a friend about something interesting that happened to you at work or in school, when yo tell someone a joke, or when you tell to explain to atraffic policeman why you are going fifty miles an hour in a twenty mile-an-hour zone. You have already written narrative if you write letters back home to your relatives and friends, or if you write about the events of the day in the frivacy of a diary or jurnal.

Narrative in English may be written in the first person, using I in the singular and we in the plural, they may also be written in the third person, using he or she in the singular and they in the plural. Most narrative writing has the following characteristics:
1. It tells the story of an event or events. 
2. The events are usually arranged in chronological order-that is, in the order in which they occurred in time. 
3. The narrator has a pupose in mind in telling the story. There is some point the narratoe wishes to make, or some impression he or she wishes to convey to the reader. therefore, the details of the narrative are carefully selected for that purpose.

Stories told in chronological order, developed through the careful selection of details in order to present an author's purpose: these are the important aspects of narrative writing that you will be concentratin on in the pages that follow. Begin by reading the model essay and answering the question that follow it.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Netherlands Accounting

Dutch accounting presents several interesting paaradoxes. The Dutch have relatively permissive statutory accounting and financial reporting enquirements but very high professional practece standards. The Netherlands is a code law contry, yet accounting is oriented toward fair presentation. Financial reporting and tax accounting are two separate activities. Further, the fairness orientation developed without a strong stock market influence. The United Kingdom and The United States have influenced Dutch accounting as much (or more) than other continental Europe, the accounting profession has had a significant influence on Dutch accounting standards and regulations.

Accounting in Netherlands is considered a branch of business economic. As a result, much economic thought has been devoted to accounting topics and especially to accounting measuremnets. Highly respected professional accountants are often part-time professors. Thus, academic thought has a major influence upon ongoing practice. 

Dutch accountants are also willing to consider ideas. The Dutch were among the earliest proponets of international standards for financial accounting and reporting, and the statements of the IASB receive attention in determining acceptable practice. The Netherlands is also home to several of the world's largest multinational enterprises, including Philips, Royal Dutch Shell, and Unilever. These enterprises have been internalionally listed since the 1950s and have been influenced by foreign accounting. Through example, these karge multinationals have influenced the financial reporting of other Dutch companies. The influence of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, however, has been minimal because it does not provide much new business capital.

Financial Reporting

IFRS financial statements consist of the consolidated balance sheet, income statement, cash floe statement, a statement of changes in equity, and explanatory notes. Notes disclosures must include:
  • Accounting policies followed
  • Judgments made by management in applying critical accounting policies
  • Key assumtion about the future and other important sources of  estimation uncertaintly
Comparative information is only required for the preceding period. There is no IFRS requirement to present the parent entity's financial statement in addition to the consolidated financial statements. There are also no IFRS requirement to produce interim financial statements. Consolidation is based on control, wich is the power to govern the financial and operating activities of another entity. Generally, all subsidiaries must be consolidated even if control is temporary or the subsidiary operates under severe long-term funds-transfer restrictions. Fair presentation is required. IFRS may be overridden in extremely rare circumstances to achieve a fair presentation. When they are, the nature, reason, and financial impact of the departure from IFRS must be disclosed.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Livie & Luca

Historical Accounting #2

Parallel developments occured alsewhere. The Dutch accounting model was exported to Indonesia among other place. The French accounting system found a home in Polynesia and French-administered territories in Africa, while the reporting framework of the German proved influential in Japan, sweden and czarist Rusia.

As the economic might of the United states grrew during the first half on the 20th century, its sophistication in matters of accounting grew in tandem. Business school assisted in this development by conceptualizing the subject matter and eventually having in recognized as an academic discipline in its own right on collage and university campuses. After world ware II, U.S. accounting influence make itself left throughout the Western word, particularly in Jerman and Japan. To a lesser extent, similar factors are directly observable in countries like Brazil, Israel, Mexico, The Philippines, Sweden and Taiwan.

The paradox of the international heritage of accounting is that in many countries, accounting remains a nationalistic affair, with national standards an practiced deeply anchored in national laws an professional regulations. There is little understandng organization whose decisions are increasingly international in scope. 

Resolving the historical paradox of accounting has long been a concern of both users and preparefs of accounting information. In recent years, institutional efforts to narrow differences in measurement, disclosure, and auditing procsesses arround the word have intensified.

Historical Of Accounting #1

The history of accounting is an international history. yhe following historical summary demonstrates that accounting has beeb remarkable successfull in its ability to be transplanted from one national setting to another while allowing for continued development in theory and practice worldwide. 

To begin, double entry bookeepng, generally thought of as the genesis of accounting as we know it today, emanated from the Italian city-states of the 14th and 15th centuries. Its development was spurred by the growth of international commerce in northern Italy during the late Middle Ages and the desire of government to find ways to tax commercial transactions. Then migratedd to Germany to assist the merchants of the Fugger era and the Hanseatic League. At about the same time, business philosophers in the Netherlands sharpened ways of calculating periodic income, and governments officials in French found it avantageous to apply the whole system to govenmental planning and accountability. 

In due to course, double entry accounting ideas reached the British Isles. the development of the British Empire created unprecedented needs for British commercial interest to manage and control enterprices to be reviewed and verified. These needs led to the emergence of accounting societies in the 1850s and an organized public accounting profession in Scotland and England in the 1870s. British accounting practiced spread not only to North America but throughout the British Commonwealth as it then existed. 

Monday, April 22, 2013


Below are notes on common punctuation:
  • Full stop or period (.)
  • Question mark (?)
  • Comma (,)
  • Exclamation mark (!)
  • Brackets ( )
  • Colon (:)
  • Dash (-)
Spelling: act of writing or saying the letters of a word in their proper order; way in which a word is spelled.

Article consist of a, an and the. The article the is called the definite article. The article a and an are called in definite articles.

Tense is derived from the Latin word for time. It shows the relationship between the time of the action and the time of speaking or writing of the sentence.

By now. Proof Of Heaven

Fortunately Have a Positive Self Image

Let you steady and sure to always monitor the image of yourself  and try to keep it positive, you need to consider the benefits and luckily got a positif self image, this is it:
  • Have positive image and thinking
In see whathever, peole who have positive image never see anything from negative side but always take anything although find difficult problem. They have unwavering principle. 
  • Improve morale 
Direct impact from positive image is high morale. People who have positive image, believe that theirself more precious than problem, or illness at hand. Lived with diligent efforts to defeat the problem is happening and to regain the success that has been delayed.
  • Willing to change if proven guilty
If they realize their mistakes, they did not hesitate to change and correct their error. 
  • Accept mistakes as part of learning process
Mistakes that ever they do always they make it a learning to reach better. They never protacted in this error and determine to find what the cause of the error with the aim of improving.
  • Convident
Their positive image will encourage to do something that still can be done.
  • Transform the problem into the fortune
People who have positive image can change the problem become opportunities to reach fortune. Positive image will encourage people to become the win in everything. 
  • Not Emotional
Every people have emotion and it humane, but people who have positive image won't overpowered by emotion.
  • Bring positive change 
Not only benefit for theirself, but also people who have positive image have benefit to others. People who have positive image will always bring positive change to their environment to be better.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hamilton Beach

Marketing Mix

What is marketing? The definition that many marketers learn as they start out in the industry is:
Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time.

The marketing mix is traditionally know aas the four P's: price, place, product, and promotion. But this days, many include three more elements (people, process, and physical evidence) to make it hte seven P's.
1. Price
There are many ways to price a product, and the price can be different in order to appeal to different segment of the market.
2. Place
This is also knows the cannel, distribution channel or intermediary. It is a mechanism trough which good and servises are moved from the company to the consumer.
3. Product
A product is nt simply the tangible, physical entity that may be bought or sold-it is also the ideas and emotions associated whith the product.
4. Promotion
This canbe personal selling, direct mall, sponsorship and advertising.
5. People
People are the most important elament of any service or experience. Staff training and consumer service are the people part of marketing mid
6. Processifferen poin
the process is what the consumer partisipated in at different points diring their ecperience with a product or service.
7. Physica evidence
Physical evedence including all the thing assosiated with the product or comapany; the packaging, internet site,


There are many activity for people in the word today, some people like to be employer, and others do not. Actually, all activities are business, but now if someone talk abut business, it must be economic activities which have correlation with profit and loss.

Some people define business as an activity or venture to provide profit. Profit is gained after people doing something in economic activities such as; trading, producing, negotiating, exploring, etc.

When people doing a business, we call him as a businessman. There are many things that one has to do to be a businessman. Before running a bisiness, he has to prepare himself and the following question may help him:
a. What is a good business for us?
b. How much money should be invested?
c. Where will he business be done?
d. What kinds of people do we need?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

your beauty


Now,, Saturday. When i was in senior high school, i went to my house when finished school. I used public transportation, bus. It was about 2 hours.

Now, i am homesick. I want to see my parents, my brother and my sister.  Ohhh, i mustbe patient..
Remember that my mother and my father always pray for me, they work to meet my need, my sister and my brother, also everyday. 

I have been follow the training motivasion, and it make me tears also almost of student who follow the training. 

Keep spirit to overcoming day to day.
Open new Spirit..!!

Strategy To Write Vision And Mission

You alredy have not about your potential, your hope and your dream.That the basic to write your vision and mission.

Before you write it, there are two things that necessary to you in write vision and mission. First, make your vision to be yourself, according to your own taste. You vision can take many different form. It can in the form of poems, quotes, pictures, or words. You write that to your own, not for others, so it must appropriate with your taste and make you happy. This is your own document. So, make it become meaningfull to your self. 
second, Don't too much time to write that and perfect so you don't start to do it. Write the draft fastly. If it not perfect yet, you can repair in another time. 

Ok,, the two things you need to bear in mind. So, now you know the steps. And then will explain the strategics that can you choose to write your vision and mission:

1. Full Consentration Strategy
Ok, let's go to write your vision and mission fastly in fiveteen minutes. Don't worry what you write. Don't change what your write. Continue writing and don't stop.

2. Contemplation Strategy
Take some time where you can go to any place that you can alon. You can go to another city. Contemplation your life and what will you do in your life. Make question to your vision and mission.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Buy Now...


Ways To Know The Areas That To Be Your Exellence

1.   You love that activity or that job. 

2.   You do it although you don't get payment. 
3.   You feel easy to do it, whereas there are someone are difficult to do it.
4.   More often you do it, more well you in this area.
5.   More often praised others when do it. Its mean that activity or job can done well by you.

6.   You always have spirit and have big energy when you do your job or that activity.
7.   You always havee spirit when talk about that activity or job.
8.   You often forget time when do it. 
9.   You feel satisfied when do it.
10. You feel proud when do it.
11. You already influence others in the areas of work or that activity. 


The Solution Of Self-Consept

After you know the components of self-consept, you already have provision to be "super". This is the strategy to have positive self-consept: strategic thinking.
How to thinking strategic? The steps there are three, they are:

First: specify how your self-idea. Then you must alway remember with your image your self-ideal. You need imagine your self-ideal routine and remember you what your dream of yourself. 

Second: You must have good view to your self-image and motivation yourself to do habit which make you focus to your self-image. 

Third: You must make strategy to you that you can do one thing everyday that make your self-image moving forward to form youe self-ideal. 

Those steps must measurable, accountable, timely, spesific, and realistic. Don't make extraordinary destination that you cannot reach it. You must prove to yourself that you can keeping promises that you made to yourself.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pampers For Your Baby

Positive Self-Consept Vs Negative Self-Consept

Self consept has big influence for our performance. If our self consept is positive, so will easy for us to reach success. But, if our self consept is negative, so we will find difficulty to reach success, in any field which we do. Let you know yourself have positive self consept or negative self consept, in here will be explained both them. 
The characteristics of people who have negative self consept:
  • Sensitive to the criticism fron others
  • Very responsive to praise
  • Very outrageous his critical against another person
  • Feel unwelcome from others, feel not noticed anyone else
  • Tend to be pesimistic about the future
The effects from has negative self consept:
Not convidence, fear to try something new, don't dare to try things that challenge, fear of failur, feel stupid, pesimist, feel not appropriate to success, feel need not happy.

The characteristics of people who have positive self consept:
  • Confident of their ability to face problems
  • Feel par with others
  • Ordinary if receive compliments without feeling inferior
  • Awary that not certain ever person can be accepted by society
  • Able to repair theirseft
The effecs from has positive self consept:
Optimist, dare to try something new, dare to be succes, dare to fail, confidence, enthusiastic, feeling worthless, dare setting life goal, have positive attitude and thinking.

Components Of Self Consept

If you already know Positive self consept and Negative self consept, then to have positive self consept? How to change negative self consept to be positive self consept?
To know all, you must know the componenets of self consept and undderstand relationship between these components. Self consept composed of three components, they are self-ideal, self-image, and self-esteem. Here the explanation:

Self-ideal is the first component from your self consept. Self-ideal is what kind of figure do you want most to be yourself, in yoour life. Self ideal is part from you wich you know that you able to be she. Self-ideal cover self who you aspire and the life that you desire. Your self-ideal contains from all wishes, dreams, and your vision. The form of self-ideal will leads you to form your behavior.

Second component of self consept is Self-image. Self-image cover how is you now to see yourself, thinking about yourself, dan assess yourself. Self-image is what is we think about ourself. Self-image shows how you imagine yourself, and decides how you will behave in certain situation. Because of Self-image's strength, improvement self-consept will be starting from improved self-image. 

The third component as the last consept is Self-esteem. Self-esteem is what we feel about ourself. Exactly, self-esteem is how much you love yourself. Do you fell yourself valuable, usefull and beneficial. Lever of your self-esteem determine many thing which happenin yourself in this life. 

Those the three components of self-consept. Three components of self consept are relation.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Content of Honey That Very Nutritious

Honey is often touted as a magic fluid. This is because of efficacy and benefits of honey for health and beauty is no doubt again. Even since ancient honey has been used as a medicine and drug ingredients. In Isalm, the history of Egypt and the history of Chinese civilitation though honey has been know and utilised usefulness. 

The content of honey according to USDA Nutrient Database, honey has nutritions value per 100 g: 82.12 g sugar, 0.2 g fiber, Energy 304 kcal, 82.4 g carbohydrates, 0 g fat, 0.3 g protein, pantothenic acid (Vit. B5) 0.068 mg (1%), Vitamin B60.024 mg (2%), Folate (Vit. B9) 2 mg (1%), Air17.10 g, Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.038 mg (3%), Niacin (Vit. B3 ) 0.121 mg (1%), Phosphorus 4 mg (1%), Potassium 52 mg (1%), Vitamin C0.5 mg (1%), Kalsium6 mg (1%), Iron 12:42 mg (3%), Magnesium 2 mg (1%), Sodium 4 mg (0%), Zinc 12:22 mg (2%). All content is very beneficial for the body.

Gift Card_Happy Birtday

Seven Benefits Of Honey For Health

Who don't know one this thing. It is derived from one of animal that bee and it is sweet. Yups,, it is honey. Honey have many benefits for human. In here, will explain benefits of honey for health. Check this out seven benefits of honey for health:

1. Avoid Cancer
The content of flavonoids and antioxidants that found in honey may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. While the content of carcinogent in the honey can prevent variety of tumors. 

2. Boots the Immune System (Immune System)
Honey also content much antioxidants that can improve the performance of the degestive system of the body becomes healthier and fitter. Not only that, honey has content nutraceuticals to fight free radicals that enter the body. 

3. Improve Stamina
According the study, honey can improve performance (ergogenic) which can improve the performance of athletes. Honey can help the body to control blood sugar and also help cure muscle stamina and recovery after strenuous activity. 

4. Source of Vitamins and Minerals
Honey is also know rich in vitamins and minerals. Levels of vitamin and mineral depends on nectar sucked by the honey bee. 

5. Banish Bacteria and Fungi
Honey also contains an antiseptic subtance that serves to inhibit the grows of bacteria, it is capable to keep the body to avois infection.

6. Lose Weight

Honey contains vitamin and mineral needed by the body. Many people believe honey can be use as a natural remedy for weight loss. Usually honey mix with lemon juice taken in the morning is believe to eliminate cellulite.

7. Treat Cough and Sore Throat
As just on point 6, anti-bacterial content in honey can fight microbactery that cause inflammation, even honey can kill the bacteria that cause infections of the thoat. 

There are many others benefits of honey , this is only a small benefits of honey that usually use for medicine. Honey also can be combined with other herbs to get maximum result. :-)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Barack Obama's Mother

Ann Dunham Soetoro (Stanley Ann Dunham) is anthropologist USA national rural development. 

Name: Stanley Ann Dunham
Place of Birtday: Kansas
Date of Birtday: November 29, 1942
Job: Anthropologist
Parents: Stanley Armour Dunham and Madelyn Dunham 
Children: Barack Obama (Precident of USA) and Maya Soetoro
Dead: November 7, 1995
Cause: Uterine cancer

How To Retire Happy

Green Works

About Yes Or No Movie

Yes Or No is one movie from Thailand that tell about friendship and love between two girls (Kim and Pie). In this movie, Kim played by Suppanad Jittaleela and Pie played by Sucharat Manaying.
Kim and Pie are new student and they stay in one bedroom in university dorm. Pie is a pretty girl, feminin, and she hate tomboyish girl.Pie just now ask to move from her room because her roommate love girl, she is Jane. 

The first meeting of Kim and Pie very funny, they hate each others. But as time goes by they are friends. And they always pass the time together. Kim actually have feel to Pie and she always jealous when Pie is close to childhood friend. And Pie, who originally hated Kim also don't like if Kim close with Jane, who always like Kim from beginning. 

With each other is harbored, without conscious they need each other. Kim and Pie finally invented. Romantic scenes are displayed after they were invented (before it this movie also has many amazing scene). Until there is problem between Pie and Kim. It is because Pie misunderstood when she see Kim embraced Jane. But Kim don't know if she is Jane, not Pie. Kim thought she is Pie, because Kim is ill and wearing a blindfold. From that, Jane know if Kim and Pie is lovers. She will suicide but prevented by her friend and after Kim explain everything, Jane finally accept the reality. 
Pie back to her parent's home. Kim meet Pie's mother and say that she love Pie, but Pie's mother not accept Kim. Pie's mother ask Pie is like with Kim. But Pie is lying and it is make Kim hurt and back to her father's home. 

Due to regret and very love Kim, Pie come to Kim father's home. Then Pie say that she love Kim. This movie scene ends with a hug between Kim and Pie.

Monday, April 15, 2013

How To Be A Good Businessman

A businessman should possess the quality of leadership. The success of business depends upon loyalty and coorporation of employee. The cooperation of employees depend on enthusiasm and interest about the work they are doing. Another notable quality of the businessman is morality, which means honest dealings. Honesty, straight forwardness fair dealing dependability and moral character are also important qualities for success in business. today, business has become so complex and competitive that it is full of danger to start a business without knowing its problems. It is trought training and education that the businessman can properly understand the problems of his business and find solution for them. 

Modern bisiness is subject to fast change. It requires a businessman to appreciate time. He must always think in terms of time. Businessman must have consistant mind so as to be able to exercise fimness in this dealing with others. A businessman has to deal with many persons everyday and to take important decisions. It is necessary that the businessman must use proper skill and fact to make best use of the business opportunities.

Accompany Your Activities

Sushar Manaying "Aom"

For you that have watch Yes Or No movie, you must know this actress. Her sure name is Sushar Manaying, or often call Aom. She ever change this name to be Sucharat because "sushar" is the name one of famous restaurant in Thailand. But today her name is back to Sushar Manaying. She has Chinese name, Li Hai Na because her father is Chinese.
Name: Sushar Manaying 
Nick name: Aom
Place, date of birthday: Phimai, Nakhon Ratchasima, January 9, 1988
Height: 154 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Hobby: Watching movie, reading
Profession: actress
Education: Bacelor degree from Srinakarinwirot Prasarnmit (Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts)

Her beautiful face first graced the screen in the Stawberry Cheesecake. Aom in Yes Or No as Pai. She is roommate of Kim (Suppanad Jittleela) and then they become a couple.

Here some pictures of beautiful Aom...

 so cute,,

 when shooting YON

 nice, Aom..



Sunday, April 14, 2013

For Your Health

Central Java, Indonesia

Central Java Province, as one of the Indonesia tourist destination areas, offers various kind of tourist attractions whether natural, cultural, or man made features. Central Java is actually located in the middle of Java island. It borders with West Java Province in the western part, while in the eastern part border with East Java Province. One the part of the southern side lies also the the province of Yogyakarta special Region.

Central Java is the island's cultural. geographic, and historic heartland. Universities, danceshools, pottery, handicrafts, textiles, and carving give to the region a rich culture and interesting shopping. This is also the place of the famous javaness temples of Borobudur. But it is not the only ones to be notes, Dieng plateau and the Sukuh temple are worhth a visit. Performing arts is still widely practiced, and traditional dance dramas (Wayang Orang) or shadow puppets (Wayang Kulit) performances are easy to find. Montains cross the entire central portion of the province. Th cool slopes contain numerous hill resorts (Tawangmangu, Kaliurang, Sarangan).